"It's always so stressful to have anyone go out of the house. We aren't able to hug or play with my baby nephew when we go to see him"
What/How has COVID-19 affected your life or routine?
COVID-19 has affected my life in a lot of ways. School has always been a great routine for me to get up every morning and start the day. Having set times of when and where to go really helps me achieve everything I need throughout the day. Without having that schedule, I've found myself feeling really unmotivated and very lazy. Not in terms of fitness, but in terms of homework and doing it last minute instead of timely like I used to.
How is your family handling the outbreak?
Luckily my dad's form of work is essential and we are able to keep income. Unfortunately though we do have high risk people at home. It's always so stressful to have anyone go out of the house. We aren't able to hug or play with my baby nephew when we go to see him. It has been a really hard transition.
What is something you may have taken for granted?
I've definitely had to reflect on the good things in life throughout this quarantine. Even though many of us seniors are very sad that our senior events are being cancelled, I've reflected that things could be so much worse. People are starving and homeless here and in other countries. We all have a roof over our head with food and families. We might be disappointed but it's opened my eyes to see how much good there is in the world. Sometimes we just take advantage of the things we have and only see what we want.
What are you doing to entertain yourself or keep yourself busy in the meantime?
At first I was so lazy! I mean I watched so many seasons on Netflix and spent hours just snacking. But I realized that I was going to come out of this as a hippo, so I changed it up. I learned how to cook so many more recipes! I love learning how to put certain veggies with each other and finding new recipes! I'm also really active, so I spend around one to two hours of my day to working out.
Have you noticed a difference in human interaction?
I've noticed so many differences. All good and bad. Many people were starting to take others' lives into consideration such as trying to drop off groceries for their neighbors or giving each other toilet paper. Just things we never thought were going to happen and yet it happened. On the other hand, we saw the total opposite, people were fighting over toilet paper. Some people are acting ignorant, like nothing is wrong and taking this time to party and hang out with friends. It has really brought out people's true identities and their inner personalities.
What are you worried about? Why?
I'm just worried this is more than just a virus. I feel like so many people are dying and maybe the government isn't telling us everything or maybe I'm just paranoid. I worry about the health of others and how people's mental state are going to be once all of this is over. I worry about the economy of the country and how everyone will be struggling once everything is open. I'm worried about a lot of things. I think that worrying should be limited because we have no control. We should all try to stay optimistic about everything that is happening. You're never going to have this much free time again. Try something new. Maybe you can figure out a new hobby that you could fall in love with and you never knew