"I really hate being stuck inside. I don't really have a routine anymore which is messing with my emotions a lot."
COVID 19 has made my life a whole lot more miserable. I am a social butterfly that is used to a certain routine. You could say that for a good chunk of my life, I was depressed before moving to Carlsbad. Having a routine and hanging out with my friends here really gave me purpose in living. I really hate being stuck inside. I don't really have a routine anymore which is messing with my emotions a lot.
How is your family handling the outbreak?
My family is not taking this well. My sister has CDH, which means she was born with one functioning lung. If she somehow gets COVID- 19 her chances of surviving, if she gets it, are very low. My mom is trying her best to keep everyone safe and sanitary which means we are all locked inside in fear of her getting sick from one of us.
Senior-Class of 2020
What is something you may have taken for granted?
I definitely took school for granted. I didn't realize how much the structure at Sage Creek and seeing my friends at school impacted my mental health in a positive way. I honestly never thought I would miss school.
What are you doing to entertain yourself or keep busy in the meantime?
My mom has been planning a TON of crafts and other things to keep us busy. For example on Thursday we made bath bombs and Friday morning we painted in the backyard. I try to go on at least one walk a day, and continue to control my eating habits, so I don't start binge eating out of boredom.
What are you worried about? Why?
I'm very worried about what this means for us Seniors. No prom. No graduation. It is seriously depressing to think about it. The token high school experiences are being ripped away from us because of a pandemic that is completely out of everyone's control. I'm scared for the future and how this will affect us for months, heck even years, to come.