"I like to live by the saying, 'yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift and that is why they call it the present' so, although everything might be blurry right now, we should still enjoy what benefits it brings."
What/How has COVID-19 affected your life or routine?
COVID-19 has really ruined my daily routine. My sleep schedule is so terrible and I can't wait till school is a thing again. Besides that, it's pretty nice getting to sleep in everyday and doing work whenever you want. I kinda miss working out and all those small things that you would do outside or in public spaces that you don't really mind. It's been a big change moving into the quarantine.
How is your family handling the outbreak?
The outbreak was a huge shocker to my family and I think they are overreacting on how fast it can spread as in, they believe that it's airborne and etc. I'm not even allowed to go outside without massive amounts of protection and precaution. Although, it's given us a lot of time to do what we want and spend more time together.
What is something you may have taken for granted?
I definitely took school for granted. It's truly so wonderful to have a place to learn with teachers and peers. That social aspect really brings us all together when you're learning about a subject. It was much nicer when school was around because then you weren't just learning at home. The social interaction that comes with schools is much better than learning at home and gosh.. I can't wait to have it back.
What are you doing to entertain yourself or keep yourself busy in the meantime?
To entertain myself I've been playing games to keep in contact with my friends and learning new things. I've been playing games like Minecraft and Terraria with the whole gang so at least we have some social interactions. I've also been learning new skills like new archery techniques and other things like contact poi.
Have you noticed a difference in human interaction?
There is definitely a difference in human interaction. Besides the fact that there isn't as much of it anymore, everything is online and that just gets rid of so much more expression in real physical contact with people.
What are you worried about? Why?
Honestly…. I'm not too worried about the future. I know that when all of this all blows over, everything will go back to normal sometime and we'll be able to live life to the fullest. I like to live by the saying, "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift and that is why they call it the present" so, although everything might be blurry right now, we should still enjoy what benefits it brings.